Recursos educativos
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- matemáticas primaria
- Proyectos de ciencia
- El valor posicional de las cifras
- Dictados ESO
- Higiene personal
- Juegos de dictado de palabras
- Caligrafía para imprimir
- Paraules amb x
- Actividades de lengua para imprimir
- Guía interactiva
- Tripticos de experimentos
- Razonamiento verbal
- Educación sexual
- Fichas para pintar
- actividades para primaria
Listening: Breakfast recipes
Tiching explorer Organización
- 2 lo usan
- 2510 visitas
This resource consists of a dialogue (that we can both read and listen to) and a set of exercises related to it designed to foster our comprehension skills.
Use of present progressive
Tiching explorer Organización
- 1 lo usan
- 2708 visitas
In this exercise we have to fill in the gaps in the sentences by typing the present progressive form of the verbs provided in brackets.
Papua New Guinea
Tiching explorer Organización
- 2 lo usan
- 2475 visitas
Once we have read this text, that is about a historic passage of Papua New Guinea, we have to do a questionnaire to check our reading comprehension skills.
Halloween (1)
Tiching explorer Organización
- 2 lo usan
- 2483 visitas
The resource consists of a reading comprehension activity. We read a text about Halloween while we listen to the audio file. Next we complete 8 comprehension exercises. Finally we can complete a quiz.…
The Cantabrian coast
Proyecto Agrega Organización
- 3 lo usan
- 2294 visitas
Lesson designed to help us learn about the main characteristics of the Atlantic ecosystems. We learn about the processes of soil formation. We practice using geography vocabulary correctly. We read maps…
Thanksgiving vocabulary quiz
Tiching explorer Organización
- 3 lo usan
- 2287 visitas
Activity designed to help us practice vocabulary while learning about Thanksgiving day celebration. We complete the sentences with the appropriate word.
School words
Tiching explorer Organización
- 1 lo usan
- 2698 visitas
Resource designed to help us learn/revise vocabulary associated to school. We practice spelling and pronunciation. It includes a test, flashcards and two online games.
Past tense verbs
Tiching explorer Organización
- 1 lo usan
- 2685 visitas
Resource designed to help us learn/revise the past simple tense of common English verbs. We practice spelling and pronunciation. It includes a test, flashcards and two online games.
Tiching explorer Organización
- 1 lo usan
- 2692 visitas
Documental que muestra las costumbres y la vida de los beduinos del Sultanato de Omán, en el desierto fronterizo con Arabia Saudí.
What is a relative clause?
Tiching explorer Organización
- 1 lo usan
- 2691 visitas
In this resource we learn that we can use relative clauses to join two English sentences, or to give more information about something.
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